Twitter REST API Method: statuses/retweet
Retweets a tweet. Requires the id parameter of the tweet you are retweeting. Request must be a POST or PUT. Returns the original tweet with retweet details embedded.
xml, json
HTTP Method(s):
Requires Authentication (about authentication):
API rate limited (about rate limiting):
- id. Required. The numerical ID of the tweet you are retweeting.
- Example:
Usage Notes:
- Twitter will ignore attempts to perform duplicate retweets.
- The retweet_count will be current as of when the payload is generated and may not reflect the exact count. It is intended as an approximation. [COMING SOON]
- Twitter will ignore attempts to retweet your own tweets.
Response (about return values):
XML example:
<created_at>Fri Nov 06 01:24:24 +0000 2009</created_at>
<text>RT @Brockstar: Hooray, we started rolling the retweet feature out to people!</text>
<created_at>Fri Nov 06 01:22:17 +0000 2009</created_at>
<text>Hooray, we started rolling the retweet feature out to people!</text>
<name>Zach Brock</name>
<location>San Francisco, CA</location>
<description>I'm mostly made of water.</description>
<created_at>Tue Mar 27 04:43:51 +0000 2007</created_at>
<time_zone>Pacific Time (US & Canada)</time_zone>
<name>Dustin Diaz</name>
<location>San Francisco, CA</location>
<description>Twitter Engineer, Photographer</description>
<created_at>Thu Mar 15 02:52:58 +0000 2007</created_at>
<time_zone>Pacific Time (US & Canada)</time_zone>
Usage examples:
cURL (about cURL):
curl -u user:password -X POST
Do you have an example to share in the language of your choice? Please share!
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